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Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Tragedy of Oedipus Rex Essay Example For Students
Disaster of Oedipus Rex Essay Streams and Heilman composed Understanding Drama in 1948. Their consolidated understanding and endeavors in exploration of the play, Oedipus Rex, offer them the chance to become co-writers of their article. Cederic Whitman, in 1951, likewise composed an exposition about Oedipus Rex entitled Sophocles: A Study of Heroic Humanism. Being distributed at Cambridge shows his insight and experience. The expositions together clarify their convictions of Oedipus as a deplorable legend. Nonetheless, Cecil Bowra, creator of Sophoclean Tragedy, distributed at Oxford in 1945, accepts that the job of the divine beings impacts the result of Oedipus Rex. Creeks and Heilman in addition to Whitman joined effectively discredit Bowras faith in the job of the divine beings. We will compose a custom exposition on Tragedy of Oedipus Rex explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now Streams and Heilman accept that Oedipus is a genuine deplorable legend. They start to state that Sophocles decided to depict Oedipus as a genuine lamentable legend and an object of destiny. Oedipus wouldn't acknowledge the allegations Teiresias had let him know. Oedipus required confirmation. Conflicting with the desire of the divine beings, he tried to discover reality. Finding reality, he can no longer stand himself and gouged out his eyes and requested to be ousted. Since he attempted to battle his destiny, rather than running from the allegations, he is a saint for standing tall as he continued looking for reality. Cederic Whitman additionally accepted that Oedipus was an appalling legend. He accepted likewise that Oedipus was not an object of destiny, and that supporting himself made Oedipus a saint. Whitman understood that Oedipus can't be liable of the wrongdoings he submitted, in light of the fact that he had done so accidentally. Whitman proceeds on that the divine beings can't be simply if Oedipus is ethically honest. To state that the divine beings helped Oedipus to slaughter his dad and wed his mom is silly. It was Oedipus carelessness to the prophet that accursed him to his own fall. Bowra, against Brooks and Heilman and Whitman, accepted that the divine beings assumed a significant job in Oedipus Rex. Bowra accepted that Sophocles expected to show the divine beings at work. He continues saying that Oedipus is only a farce. The divine beings mortified Oedipus to demonstrate the individuals that there is an exercise to be scholarly. There is undoubtedly an exercise to be educated, yet their divine beings don't exist, along these lines the divine beings are not showing anybody a thing or two. Oedipus was an object of destiny, not an object of the divine beings. Bowra then said that Oedipus blinded himself to make harmony with the divine beings for his past activities. Sophocles set up that Oedipus didn't trust in the divine beings. Streams and Heilman alongside Sophocles expressed that he blinded himself to spare himself from the embarrassment of his activities. Streams, Heilman, and Whitman all accept that Oedipus is a genuine heartbreaking saint. Together they effectively discredit Bowras confidence in the divine beings. It is consistent with state that Oedipus is an appalling legend rather than a toy of the divine beings. With their consolidated understanding, Brooks, Heilman, and Whitman introduced a great exposition demonstrating that Oedipus is a genuine awful legend.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Good and Evil in The Devil and Tom Walker :: The Devil and Tom Walker
Goodâ and Evil in The Devil and Tom Walker  The idea of shrewdness in the short story The Devil and Tom Walker can be appeared from multiple points of view, by Irvings' imagery. In the short story, Tom Walker represents all of humanity by depicting him as being corrupt and fiendish. When there is a goal to annihilate, at that point we get an alternate degree of contempt. We see that great versus insidious has been a subject that is omnipresent in numerous works. The story The Devil and Tom Walker is an anecdote about a man who carries on with an indecent existence of eagerness. Walker lives in a lush region, where it is grave, and calm region of New England. Walker runs into the fallen angel and sees that the demon is chopping down somebody else's timber. The underhandedness is appeared, by the demon by they way he is planning the homicide of a Minister Peabody. Walker examines this gathering with the demon, and perceives that malicious is riches is the main goal for him. Tom Walker's better half, was loaded up with avarice and needed to procure the gold that the demon had guaranteed. Walker hadn't obliged to his better half, and because of his significant other's intense greed set out on her own excursion to obtain that gold. She had been slaughtered as a result of her insatiability, and absence of ethics for self-flourishing, which brought about her passing. This is a significant case of the utilization of shrewdness inside The Devil and Tome Walker. Walker is told from the fiend that he could acquire cash through usury and blackmail. Walker focuses on usury and makes a liberal total of cash. Walker has no contrition for such a transgression what's more, proceeds to his usury. The malevolence aggregates in the story as Walker gathers increasingly more cash, coming about because of more and
Sunday, August 9, 2020
Biography of Psychologist Harry Harlow
Biography of Psychologist Harry Harlow August 18, 2019 Wikimedia Commons / Aiwok (CC 3.0) More in Psychology History and Biographies Psychotherapy Basics Student Resources Theories Phobias Emotions Sleep and Dreaming Harry Harlow was an American psychologist who is best-remembered for his series of controversial and often outrageously cruel experiments with rhesus monkeys. In order to study the effects of maternal separation and social isolation, Harlow placed infant monkeys in isolated chambers. Some variations of the experiments involved placing the monkeys with surrogate mothers made of either wire or cloth to see which the young monkeys preferred. In other instances, the monkeys were raised in total isolation for as long as 24 months, leading to profound and lasting emotional disturbances. Harry Harlows Contributions to Psychology Best known for his social isolation experiments with rhesus monkeys,?? Harlows research contributed a great deal to our understanding of the importance of caregiving, affection, and social relationships early in life. In one review of the most eminent psychologists of the 20th century, Harlow was listed as the 26th most frequently cited psychologist.?? 10 Most Influential Psychologists in History Birth and Death Harry Harlow was born on October 31, 1905, in Fairfield, Iowa. He died on December 6, 1981, in Tucson, Arizona.?? His Early Life Harry Harlow (born Harry Israel) grew up in Iowa and later went on to attend Reed College in Portland, Oregon, for one year. After passing a special aptitude test, he enrolled at Stanford University where he started out as an English major. His grades were so bad that after one semester he switched to the study of psychology. While at Stanford, Harlow studied with psychologist Lewis Terman, who had developed the Stanford-Binet intelligence test. In 1930, he earned his Ph.D. in psychology and later changed his last name from Israel to Harlow. Harlows Career and Research After graduating from Stanford, Harlow was offered a position at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. While at the school, he established the pioneering Primate Laboratory where he would perform his controversial social isolation experiments. Harlows classic series of experiments were conducted between 1957 and 1963 and involved separating young rhesus monkeys from their mothers shortly after birth. The infant monkeys were instead raised by surrogate wire monkey mothers. Harry Harlows Research on Love In one version of the experiment, one of the mothers was made entirely from the wire while the other was covered with a soft cloth. Harlow found that regardless of whether or not the cloth-covered mother provided food, the infant monkeys would cling to her for comfort. On the other hand, the monkeys would only select the wire mother when she provided food. Harlow presented his results at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association in 1958 and also reported his findings in his classic article entitled The Nature of Love in the journal American Psychologist.?? Later experiments looked at social isolation by raising rhesus monkeys either in total or partial isolation. Harlow and his students found that such isolation led to a variety of negative outcomes including severe psychological disturbances and even death. The Importance of the American Psychological Association Harlows Influence on the Field of Psychology Harlows experiments were shocking and controversial. Most would be considered unethical by todays standards. However, his research played an important role in shaping our understanding of child development. Prevailing thought during Harlows time suggested that paying attention to young children would spoil them and that affection should be limited. Harlows work instead demonstrated the absolute importance of developing safe, secure, and supportive emotional bonds with caregivers during early childhood. Many experts at the time also believed that feeding was the primary force between the mother-and-child bonds. Harlows work suggested that while feedings are important, it is the physical closeness and contact that provides the comfort and security that a child needs for normal development.?? Harlows work along with that of other researchers including psychologist John Bowlby and pediatrician Benjamin Spock helped spark a revolution in our approach to childcare and child-rearing. How John Bowlby Influenced Child Psychology Selected Publications Harlow HF. The Effect of Large Cortical Lesions on Learned Behavior in Monkeys. Science. 1950.Harlow HF. Biological and Biochemical Bases of Behavior. University of Wisconsin Press. 1958.Harlow HF et al. The Sad Ones: Studies in Depression. Psychology Today. 1971;4(12):61-63.Harlow HF. A Variable-Temperature Surrogate Mother for Studying Attachment in Infant Monkeys. Behavior Research Methods. 1973;5(3):269-272.Harlow HF. Lust, Latency, and Love: Simian Secrets of Successful Sex. Journal of Sex Research.1975;11(2):79-90. Recommended Reading Harlow HF. The Nature of Love. American Psychologist. 1958;13:673-685.Blum D. Love at Goon Park. New York: Perseus Publishing. 2002.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
The Importance Of Leadership, Traits, And The Value Therein
Streamlining Groups: A Discussion Pertaining to Leadership, Traits, and the Value Therein Throughout history there have been numerous leaders who changed the course of the world, whether through conquest or innovation, having the vision and ability to stand at the front of their people and guide them to the future. Yet one must only look at the past to see that for every successful leader there were several who failed at some point in their course, lacking some qualities contained within their more well known peers. Analyzing the most well known leaders of history has led me to believe that the three most important characteristics of leadership are the abilities to delegate tasks, communicate well, and inspire. The phrase â€Å"no man is an island†is one that comes to mind when the actions of failed leaders are observed. All too many times a would-be leader of men has lost their position due to relying solely on their own work and not trusting that of their followers. At some point in a group’s lifespan it is necessary for the leader to acknowledge that the y cannot achieve everything on their own and that they must begin assigning tasks to other members. Having the ability to delegate is important because of one reason: As a group grows there will inevitably be members who are better at certain tasks than the leader is. If the leader cannot give them the tasks that suit their talents it will not only lower the efficiency of their group, but also foster resentment in theShow MoreRelatedEmployee Engagement in Today’s Multi-Generational Workforce Essay4090 Words  | 17 Pageschallenge of motivating and engaging employees across generations with noticeably different work styles, performance goals, and ethnicity into the same work culture. 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Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Dna Digestion and Electrophoresis - 728 Words
DNA DIGESTION AND ELECTROPHORESIS In this experiment we will be doing a process called as DNA digestion or also known as restriction digest. A restriction digest is a procedure used in molecular biology to prepare DNA for analysis or other processing. It is sometimes termed DNA fragmentation, scientists Hartl and Jones describe it this way: This enzymatic technique can be used for cleaving DNA molecules at specific sites, ensuring that all DNA fragments that contain a particular sequence have the same size; furthermore, each fragment that contains the desired sequence has the sequence located at exactly the same position within the fragment. The cleavage method makes use of an important class of DNA-cleaving enzymes isolated primarily†¦show more content†¦One of the most important reaction conditions which varies between different restriction enzymes is the salt concentration. Enzyme buffers are specifically formulated to provide the salt concentration for optimal enzyme activity. It is important, therefore, that the correct buffer solution is used for a particular restriction enzyme. [3] For this experiment we also made use of agarose gel electrophoresis, which takes a lot of time. Electrophoresis may be the main technique for molecular separation in todays cell biology laboratory. In spite of the many physical arrangments for the apparatus, and regardless of the medium through which molecules are allowed to migrate, all electrophoretic separations depend upon the charge distribution of the molecules being separated. Electrophoresis can be one dimensional or two dimensional. One dimensional electrophoresis is used for most routine protein and nucleic acid separations. Two dimensional separation of proteins is used for finger printing , and when properly constructed can be extremely accurate in resolving all of the proteins present within a cell. The support medium for electrophoresis can be formed into a gel within a tube or it can be layered into flat sheets. The tubes are used for easy one dimensional separations, while the sheets have a larger surface area and are better for two- dimensional separations. In electrophoresis, proteins are separated on the basis ofShow MoreRelatedIsolation, Restriction Digestion, And Electrophoresis Of Plasmid Dna1827 Words  | 8 PagesIsolation, restriction digestion, and gel electrophoresis of plasmid DNA Prathyusha Gudapati, BIOL 304, spring 2015. Abstract The purpose of the experiment was to isolate plasmid DNA, followed by restriction digestion using restriction endonucleases and then visualizing the digested fragments after subjecting to gel electrophoresis. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Document Analysis of John Brown’s Address to the Virginia Court Free Essays
John Brown’s address to the Virginia Court Origin: The address given by John Brown to the Virginia court was his final words before execution on charges of treason. The charges were given because of a raid that he directed with the intent to take federal weapons which is an act of treason. On October 16th-18th, 1859, the radical abolitionist John Brown led a group of white and black men, including two of his sons, on Harpers Ferry, Virginia. We will write a custom essay sample on Document Analysis of John Brown’s Address to the Virginia Court or any similar topic only for you Order Now Brown’s goal was to seize the federal arsenal, arm the local slaves, and fight a way into the North as described in this primary source in court. This raid was not surprising because of his abolitionist background and insanity as described by the Robert E. Lee who led the Union Army that suppressed the revolt. The group held up in a fire department and was attacked by Lee’s soldiers. The failed attempt resulted in Brown’s capture, trial, and execution on December 2nd. This episode of slave resistance was the last major rebellion contributing to the secession of the South and, eventually, the Civil War. Purpose: John Brown had a a few purpose for delivering this address. Obviously, it was given in response to charges accumulated from the raid, and the address also makes several points explaining his defense. Brown stated that he did not intend to fire a single gun but wanted simply to take slaves from plantations and lead them to northern states or Canada. Brown also stated that he did not induce the others involved in the raid to join him which lessened his crime in his mind. To the charges he addressed, â€Å"I never did intend murder, or treason, or the destruction of property, or to excite or incite slaves to rebellion, or to make insurrection. Though he denied the charges, one can infer that Brown really did want a slave uprising to occur in the South due to his strong abolitionist morals and beliefs. If the raid were to be successful, Brown would not stop with those slaves, but rather continue his forced manumission of the South. Brown’s impression of the trial was one of satisfaction, but he argued that â€Å"it is unjust that I should suffer such a penalty [of death]. †He made this argument because his intent was not to start this uprising but, instead, to be an act of defiance that he knew would indirectly cause a mass insurrection in the South. Value: John Brown’s address is not a historical landmark and was a less significant historical document that had minimal aftermath; however, it provides a specific example of responses in court giving insight into how acts of slave resistance are dealt with legally. Brown gives this document a unique texture because of his eloquence in court compared with his savagery in the raid. Overall, he is given the status of a martyr with his words: â€Å"I submit [to death]: so let it be done! †Brown reveals a very different side of his personality in which he is a dignified martyr. He predicts that slavery will never end peacefully in the country whose â€Å"rights are disregarded by wicked, cruel, and unjust enactments†. Historians can use this document today to show people strong in their beliefs who act upon them, and although some failed in their efforts, their cause was strengthened. Limitations: The address made by John Brown contains several limitations that affect its credit as a historical source. A significant limiting factor is that there is only one opinion to explain the raid. Brown had a biased opinion mainly because of his childhood having been greatly influenced with abolitionist morals and beliefs. One would think that Brown’s address would be biased in spite of his numerous accusations, but he speaks as if he had nothing to lose. The aiding and abetting criminals in the raid would not have delivered a speech as dignified and passionate as Brown’s but would obviously be similar in their renditions of the event. To fully understand Brown’s raid, historians would need to consult Robert E. Lee’s notes. After viewing both sides of the story, a historian can either choose a side or make an inference that incorporates both. How to cite Document Analysis of John Brown’s Address to the Virginia Court, Essay examples
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Every man is like all other men free essay sample
Plato stated more than 2000 years ago: â€Å"No two persons are born exactly alike; but each differs from the other in natural endowments, one being suited for one occupation and the other for another. †Individual differences can be studied or examined at three levels of focus captured by the well known quote: â€Å"Every man is in certain respects (a) like all other men, (b) like some other men, (c) like no other man. †(H. A. Murray C. Kluckhohn, 1953). A man is like all other men because some features of his personality are common to the human race. We will write a custom essay sample on Every man is like all other men or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page That is, each man possesses certain features that are present in every other man in the human race. These include physical, emotional and mental features. Every man goes through birth and eventually learns how to move about and adapt to his environment. Every man grows in height, matures and dies. He does all of these things including others as a member of the human race. Animals also go through similar stages. However, there are some traits unique to man only. It is only human beings that are able to have an erect posture, hands with ten fingers that hold things and two feet that can walk, a nervous system enabling him to speak and learn. All men are social beings and adapt to the cultures of their societies. As social animals, men are conformed to a system of interdependence with others in their society. As cultural animals also, they must adapt to tradition and its expectations. All humans are birthed into an impersonal world which can present several threats to survival. Human adjustment to the outer environment depends on social as well as cultural life. In certain particular characteristics of personalities, most men are like some other men. Similarities in personality traits can be found among members of the same societies or members of the same socio-cultural unit. For example, a hundred Gambians will display certain mannerisms and characteristics that a hundred Ghanaians would not display. Scholars all over the world have something in common, so do athletes and so do those who were born into poverty or wealth. Also, there might be certain traits in peoples’ personalities of one society that might remind us of personality traits of people in other societies. Finally, there is the fact that man in many regards is like no other man. Anthony Giddens said, â€Å"Human beings are knowledgeable agents. †This means that humans can perceive things, make choices and are aware of the consequences of their choices. Every man has different ways of perceiving and making choices. Man’s perception and choices are in part influenced by their guardians; that is, how they were brought up and what experiences they have been through. Because men go through various experiences in life- all of which have some sort of uniqueness to them- the perception and choices of one man will be completely different from the next. In conclusion, quoting from the famous book on personality written by Henry A. Murray and Clyde Kluckhohn, â€Å"The personality of an individual is the product of inherited dispositions and environmental experiences. These experiences occur within the field of his physical, biological, and social environment, all of which are modified by the cultures of his group. Similarities of life experience and heredity will tend to produce similar personality characteristics in different individuals, whether in the same society or in different societies. â€
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