Wednesday, December 25, 2019
The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo - 1337 Words
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson For the last and final essay of the semester, I decided to pick a couple themes that are included in The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson. Themes are a very important part of any story, play, poem, or any writing for that matter. It is important to understand what themes are involved in a story because it helps the reader better understand what is going on throughout it all. This novel has two main characters named Lisbeth Salander and Mikael Blomkvist. In essence, this story is about both of these characters coming together to solve the disappearance of Harriet Vanger that is over forty years in the making. Throughout their journey to solve the mystery, I came across a couple key themes. Regarding The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson, there are a few themes I chose to write about including: violence against women, the topic of revenge, and isolation. The first theme that I would like to address regarding The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo is the violence against women included in it. I think that this is one of the biggest themes because it is very important and also plays a huge part in this story. For example, the author states that â€Å"finally the boy punched her in the face; it split open her lip and made her see stars†(Larsson, p.229). This quote I think is important because not only does it show another example of violence towards women, but it also shows that Lisbeth Salander has been subjected toShow MoreRelatedGirl with the Dragon Tattoo907 Words  | 4 PagesThe Girl with the Dragon Tattoo By: Steig Larsson The book that I chose to read was, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. In the book we learn about social issues that are not only found in Sweden but from all over the world. Through the book the two main characters solve a murder mystery from 40 years ago. While solving the murder mystery, social issues are brought up time and time again. One of major issues that are brought to the reader’s attention is sexual violence that is used towards womenRead MoreA Review of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo1165 Words  | 5 Pagesï » ¿ There have been few works of popular literature written in the new century which have so accurately captured the conflicted state of feminist identity in todays modern corporate culture that Stieg Larssons 2005 novel The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo. Written in a searing tone which is representative of the repressed rage exuded by Lisbeth Salander, the enigmatic heroine who suffers atrocious crimes at the hand of powerful men and wields a sadistic sense of vigilante-style vengeance against thoseRead MoreThe Girl With The Dragon Tattoo Analysis1744 Words  | 7 Pages Surname 1 Author: Professor’s name: Course name: Date of Submission: The Portrayal of Women On the surface of the novel, â€Å"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo†is a simple uncomplicated thriller, but at a deeper level, the novel is a complex and in-depth examination and analysis of the violent abuse against women in Sweden, particularly concentrating on the distorted and rather warped philosophies as well as the failure of the government that permit and accentuate such acts. More importantly, theRead MoreGender And Sexuality : The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo854 Words  | 4 Pagespart of the Swedish crime novels since most of their writing has to do about a conflict between two opposite genders. The girl with the dragon tattoo, one of the most famous Swedish crime novel, written by Stieg Larsson addresses these issues. In this particular book, men and women tend to have the equal amount of power. Sallander, in other words, â€Å"the girl with the dragon tattoo†has almost the same amount of power as the Mikel Blomkvist, which is the main character of the no vel and also a male genderRead MoreThe Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson773 Words  | 4 PagesWhile I was reading the novel Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson, I realized that this story not only portrays the theme of violence and sexual abuse, but it was also about the importance of and friendship and relationships. The novel illustrates the real life effects of sexual violence on victims and survivors, emphasizing the importance of getting help and the triumph of mentally surviving the event. Having friends and most importantly relationships, did a big part in the story to helpRead MoreMovie Review : Chinatown And The Girl With The Dragon 875 Words  | 4 Pages â€Å"Chinatown†and â€Å"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo†Noir (noir means black in French) is a style which was frequently seen in 1940-1950s film mostly consisting of crime, sex and fiction. Modern motion pictures use the same genre, but updated visual, theme and content. Neo-noir, Greek term neo means new, making term new black. Noir movies are very popular among the audiences. Chinatown (1974) directed by Roman Polanski, starring Jack Nicholson (Protagonist) as Jake Gittes, FayeRead MoreFemale Protagonists of Detective Narratives938 Words  | 4 PagesThis essay will focus on female protagonists who are the center and driving force behind a detective narrative. I will compare and contrast Clarice Starling in The Silence of the Lambs and Lisbeth Salander from The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo to explore two women that are progressive in breaking through traditional gender roles and are successful at portraying a female that goes against the grain. These women portray unique and progressive ideas about sexuality. Clarice and Lisbeth are two empoweredRead MoreGone Girl By David Fincher1268 Words  | 6 Pagesthat their creation is definitive enough to be traced back to its creator. In order to identify these definitive components, an auteur must establish common thematic and formal elements that their texts typically contain. In David Fincher’s film Gone Girl (2014), Amy Dunne suddenly vanishes, seemingly from violent kidnapping, leaving her husband, Nick Dunne, in a media frenzy over his suspected involvement in her disappearance. The film utilizes some of his most common thematic elements: paternal orRead MoreThe Marine Corps Should Have No Restrictions On Tattoos Essay867 Words  | 4 Pagesthat is tattoos. I am here to argue that tattoos can view as freedom of expression, strong Naval tradition, and more importantly no hindrance on job performance. The Marine Corps should have no restrictions on tattoos. Over the past 50 years’ tattoos have continued to grow in popularity, yet the Marine Cor ps wants to place restrictions on their service members; claiming their policy is design to help their service members to maintain a discipline appearance. It would be proven that tattoo is viewedRead MoreThe Evolution of Film-Making Technology1417 Words  | 6 Pagesthe digital transformed directors. Red One is considered to be one of the purest digital alternative to 35mm film. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by David Fincher was crafted in 5 weeks and mostly shot with RED Epic MX and Epic machines. For a total of 483 hours of shot material, 443 were actually used in the workflow. The â€Å"workflow†in The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo plays a key role in terms of aesthetics: each single take and frame has been revised so that the visual rhythm could be more
Monday, December 16, 2019
A Species Vulnerability to Population Decline Essay
Policy- and decision-makers claim information about the causes of population declines which driving species on the brink of extinction (). However, it is pointed out that the causes of vulnerability remain unclear to explain the variation to the risk of extinction (). According to Reynolds (2003), vulnerability is determinate by both the decline of species population and the reduction of their geographical range. These two forms of vulnerability are affected by both species’ mortality and habitat loss, which are the causes of intrinsic biological traits, extrinsic human induced effects and stochastic factors that likely determine the population trends (). It is suggested that extinction risk is not distributed by chance between taxa,†¦show more content†¦Strong sexual selection is also considerate important in predispose species to extinction risk, because species with exaggerated traits or sexually dimorphic have high selection reducing their genetic variability (Mor row Pitcher 2003). In addition, densities of migrants and residents species are likely different because is predicted that migratory species could affront more risky in breeding and stopover sites than residents ones, then migratory behaviour should be related with extinction risk (). However, it is clear that intrinsic factors by themselves are not explained the entire extinction phenomenon (). On the other hand, species vulnerability might not be explained only by their internal biological traits because they are interacting with the external environment. Therefore, extrinsic hypotheses have been proposed to elucidate their populations range size and abundance. For instance, human impact is one of the main current causes of habitat loss and mortality of natural populations due to a massive human-population growth (). It is also thought that the biogeographical region occupied by a species has an effect in their risk of becoming extinct such as species living in islands (). Nevert heless, the interactions between intrinsic and extrinsic factors may give more details about the vulnerability to extinction in some species, because some intrinsic
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Should Ddt Be Banned Worldwide Essay Example For Students
Should Ddt Be Banned Worldwide? Essay Elliot GriffinEnvironmental Science Final Opinion Paper Should DDT Be Banned Worldwide? First synthesized in 1874, DDTs insecticidal properties were not discovered until 1939. In the second half of World War II, it was used with great effect among both military and civilian populations to control mosquitoes spreading malaria and lice transmitting typhus, resulting in dramatic reductions in the incidence of both diseases. The Swiss chemist Hermann Muller of Geigy Pharmaceutical was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1948 for his discovery of the high efficiency of DDT as a contact poison against several arthropods. After the war, DDT was made available for use as an agricultural insecticide, and soon its production and use skyrocketed. During the 1940’s and 1950’s DDT was extensivly used by the Allied powers to control typhus nearly eliminating the disease in the western parts of Europe. In 1955 the world health organization comercialized a program that was designed to target and destroy the disease malaria, The program relied heavily on the insectisidal properties of DDT. At the beginnings of the program is was sucessful in elimintaing the disease in much of the carribean and the balkans and a large part of northern africa. However resistance soon emerged in many insect populations as a consequence of widespread agricultural use of DDT. In many areas, early victories against malaria were partially or completely reversed, and in some cases rates of transmission even increased. The program was successful in eliminating malaria only in areas with high socio-economic status, well-organized healthcare systems, and relatively less intensive or seasonal malaria transmission. DDT was less effective in tropical regions due to the continuous life cycle of mosquitoes and poor infrastructure. It was not pursued at all in sub-Saharan Africa due to these perceived difficulties, with the result that mortality rates in the area were never reduced to the same dramatic extent, and now constitute the bulk of malarial deaths worldwide, especially following the resurgence of the disease as a result of microbe resistance to drug treatments and the spread of the deadly malarial variant caused by Plasmodium falciparum. The goal of eradication was abandoned in 1969, and attention was focused on controlling and treating the disease. Spraying programs (especially using DDT) were curtailed due to concerns over safety and environmental effects, as well as problems in administrative, managerial and financial implementation, but mostly because mosquitoes were developing resistance to DDT. Efforts were shifted from spraying to the use of bednets impregnated with insecticides and other interventions. DDT has also been a problem for the thinning of birds shells. Rare birds like the bald eagle, peregrine falcon and brown pelecans have been dying out at an accelerated rate due to the DDT de-calcifying the eggs shells making them soft and weak. As with most scientific theories there are skeptics that think the thinning of birdshells is a process of evolution or a change in the birds diet. There is not extensive enough research being done, Blamed on the lack of funding. The United States is among other countries that have banned DDT. Countries like Mexico still spray the deadly pesticide unrestrictedly on their crops. Which wouldn’t pose to much of a problem to the United States except for the food we buy from there. Crops get shipped all over the world and unless there is a worldwide ban on DDT, We will continue to expierence the effects of the chemical.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
The Two Tragic Gods With Dual Personality free essay sample
The Two Tragic Gods With Dual Personalityâ€â€Demeter and Dionysus Unlike other immortal gods, who were little use to human beings, and were always marvelous, Demeter and Dionysus, known as gods of harvest, were undoubtedly humankind’s best friends; however, both of them also shouldered a tragic destiny. Unveiled their miraculous appearance, we could see that the two great gods of Earth were not only gods of reaping but also of suffering. Whenever winter came, the low temperature and the frost would wither the crops and grapes, left only shriveled braches. Suffered more than this, Dionysus would die in a terrible way with the coming of the cold: he was torn into pieces, but was always brought back to life; he died and rose again. On the other hand, Demeter would not die, but she also suffered from the painful separateness of her beloved daughter Persephone. It was well-known that both of the two divinities had another personality. We will write a custom essay sample on The Two Tragic Gods With Dual Personality or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Demeter’s anger was a horrible weapon. Mentioned in the book THE CLASSIC BESTSELLER MYTHOLOGY, Demeter could let nothing grow on Earth and turned it into a barren, leafless land. As men always called her the â€Å"Good Goddess†, she also featured a kind appearance. But among all her personalities, the idea of sorrow was foremost. But then, Dionysus, like wine was good as well as bad, also had two personal identities. He was man’s benefactor and was man’s destroyer. His wine was life-giving, and could heal several illnesses, but it was also fatal whenever you drink too much. Bringing all the good and bad things to humankind, Dionysus also was the tragic god as I mentioned above. He was also the embodiment of the life that is stronger than death, for he would rise every time he died. He was the assurance that death does not end all. Holding good and bad, reaping and suffering features, the two great gods of Earthâ€â€Demeter and Dionysus were not only mankind’s best friends but also a tragic fate sufferer.
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